Have additional questions that aren’t necessarily related to our hosting environment? Need extra help with site configuration or optimization? Reclaim Hosting’s Professional Services has you covered. For a small monthly fee, you’ll receive top priority in our ticket queue, consultations from our Support Experts, help with software installations, malware monitoring and so much more.

What's Included

Professional Services

There’s a lot happening at Reclaim Hosting, especially during busy seasons like the beginning of the semester. Take comfort knowing that when the ticket queue gets long, you’ll jump to the front of the line.

We totally get it– a hacked site can be overwhelming to say the least. With Professional Services, we’ll run regular scans to help prevent hacks from occurring, and we’ll be the first to know about it if it does. Should anything happen, we’ll assist with removing any bugs so you don’t have to.

Professional Services clients are moved to a low-tenant, dedicated server that is highly optimized with caching for performance. While Professional Services sites remain in a “shared” environment, the hosting experience is much less restricted, offering you more resources for increased site speed.

Reclaim Hosting acknowledges our standard Service Level Agreement for all sites associated with Professional Services plans, in addition to our standard Master Services Agreement. Please reach out to our Support Team for any questions about this.

Choose your adventure:

Whether you’re brand new to Reclaim Hosting or already have an existing account, we can have you up and running with Professional Services in no time. 

I'm new to Reclaim Hosting

$ 55/mo *charged annually
  • Our Professional Support Services will be associated with a Shared Hosting Plan, so you'll want to start first by signing up for an account.

I already have an account

$ 55/mo *prorated to your next due date
  • Awesome, you're ahead of the game! We can easily add Professional Services to your account, no matter where you are in your billing cycle.

Still have questions?

No problem! We’d love to chat with you about what’s possible. Get in touch by filling out the contact form below.
